Chapter 1
What is the Sony
CLIÉ Handheld?
Chapter 2
Setting up your Sony
CLIÉ Handheld
– Basics
Chapter 3
Setting up your Sony
CLIÉ Handheld
– Advanced
Personal Entertainment Organizer
© 2002 Sony Corporation
Sony does not support third-party add-on
applications. If you are having a problem
with a third-party application, please contact
the developer or publisher of that software.
The illustrations in this manual may
differ from the actual software.
Lithium-Ion batteries are
You can help preserve our
environment by returning
your used rechargeable
batteries to the collection and recycling
location nearest you.
For more information regarding
recycling of rechargeable batteries, call
toll free 1-800-822-8837, or visit
Explanations in this manual assume that
you are familiar with basic operations of
Windows . For how to use your
computer and operating system, please
refer to their respective manuals.
Before using your CLIÉ handheld, be sure to
read the accompanying End-User’s License
Caution: Do not handle damaged or
leaking lithium-ion batteries.
Sony, Memory Stick, the Memory Stick logo,
Jog Dial, OpenMG, and PictureGear are
trademarks of Sony Corporation.
On the supplied software
Graffiti, HotSync, and Palm OS are
registered trademarks, and the HotSync logo
and Palm are trademarks of Palm, Inc. or its
IBM and PC/AT are registered trademarks
of International Business Machines
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT,
Outlook, DirectX, and the Windows 98 logo
are registered trademarks of Microsoft
MMX and Pentium are registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Pumatech, the Pumatech logo, Intellisync
and Intellisync Lite are trademarks of
Pumatech, Inc., that may be registered in
some jurisdictions.
Adobe and Adobe Acrobat Reader are
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Documents To Go is a registered trademark
of DataViz, Inc.
Bluetooth is a trademark that is owned by
the proprietor and used by Sony under
QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are
trademarks used under license. QuickTime
is registered in the U.S. and other countries.
This product includes fonts owned by
TypeBank Co., Ltd. under license.
• Copyright laws prohibit reproducing
the software or the software manual in
whole or in part or renting the software
without the permission of the copyright
• In no event will SONY be liable for any
financial damage or loss of profits,
including claims made by third parties,
arising out of the use of the software
supplied with this player.
• In the event a problem occurs with this
software as a result of defective
manufacturing, SONY will replace it at
SONY’s option or issue a refund.
However, SONY bears no other
• The software provided with this
product cannot be used with equipment
other than that which it is designated
for use with.
• Please note that, due to continued
efforts to improve quality, the software
specifications may be changed without
• The software library incorporated in
CLIÉ handheld is based in part on the
work of the Independent JPEG Group.
Program © 2002 Sony Corporation, © 2002
Palm, Inc., or its subsidiaries. All rights
All other trademarks are trademarks of their
respective owners.
Documentation © 2002 Sony Corporation
Please contact your nearest Sony dealer
regarding any problems you are
experiencing with your Sony product.
Table of Contents
About this manual ........................... 5
Differences between the PEG-SL10,
PEG-SJ20, and PEG-SJ30.................... 7
Connecting the USB cable
(PEG-SL10)....................................... 38
Connecting the USB cable using the
plug adapter (PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30) .. 39
Step 6: Performing a HotSync®
Which manual to read? .................... 8
operation for the first time............ 40
Chapter 1
What is the Sony CLIÉ Handheld?
Chapter 3
Setting up your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld – Advanced
What can you do with your Sony
CLIÉ Handheld? .............................. 12
System requirements ..................... 13
Checking the bundled applications
on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld .......... 44
Overview of basic Palm OS®
applications ..................................... 45
Overview of Sony applications......... 48
Sony CLIÉ Handheld components .. 14
Locating front panel controls ........... 14
Locating back panel components .... 16
Elements of the CLIÉ interface ......... 19
What is on the CLIÉ Installation
CD-ROM? ........................................ 21
CD-ROM contents ............................ 21
How to read the PDF manuals on
Installing the supplied applications
on your computer .......................... 52
Installing PictureGear™ 4.6Lite ...... 52
Installing QuickTime® 5 ................... 52
Installing Memory Stick Export ........ 53
Installing other third-party
the CD-ROM .................................... 22
Chapter 2
applications on the supplied
Setting up your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld – Basics
CD-ROM .......................................... 54
Installing Acrobat Reader® 5.0 ........ 54
Uninstalling the supplied
Step 1: Supplying power to your Sony
CLIÉ Handheld ............................ 24
Installing the batteries (PEG-SL10) .. 24
Charging your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
applications ..................................... 55
Installing add-on applications on
your Sony CLIÉ Handheld or
Memory Stick media ...................... 56
Installing add-on applications
from the Palm™ Desktop for
CLIÉ software................................... 57
Installing add-on applications by
beaming them from another
Palm OS® device .............................. 60
Removing add-on applications ........ 62
(PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30) ....................... 26
Step 2: Turning on your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld for the first time ........ 28
Step 3: Entering data into your
Sony CLIÉ Handheld ................... 32
Step 4: Installing the Palm™ Desktop
for CLIÉ software on your
computer .................................... 34
Customer registration .................... 63
Step 5: Connecting your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld and your computer via
the USB cable ............................. 38
About this manual
Welcome to the Sony Personal Entertainment Organizer (referred to as
the “CLIÉ handheld” or “Sony CLIÉ Handheld” in this manual).
Your CLIÉ handheld comes with three manuals:
■ Read This First (this guide)
■ Operating Instructions (as a PDF file on the CD-ROM)
■ Add-on Application Guide
Before using your CLIÉ handheld, read this guide for an overview of
features, setup and installation instructions, and other important
After you set up your CLIÉ handheld and become familiar with its
basic functions, you can use the other two manuals (Operating
Instructions and Add-on Application Guide) as references for detailed
features, less common tasks, and maintenance of your CLIÉ handheld.
These manuals can also serve as a source of information if you have
problems operating your CLIÉ handheld.
The contents of the three manuals are as follows.
Read This First (this guide)
This guide is designed to help you quickly get your CLIÉ handheld up
and running.
This guide shows you how to:
■ Identify all the parts of your CLIÉ handheld
■ Set up your CLIÉ handheld
■ Install supplied applications on your CLIÉ handheld and your
■ View and enter data
About this manual
Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions manual is on the supplied CD-ROM as a
PDF file; you can view or print the file as necessary.
The manual describes how to use your CLIÉ handheld and the
Personal Information Management (PIM) applications that come with
your CLIÉ handheld.
Additionally, the manual shows you how to:
■ View and enter data in greater detail
■ Use your CLIÉ handheld with your computer
■ Use Personal Information Management applications (Date Book,
Address Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, and Calculator)
■ Personalize your CLIÉ handheld with your own preference settings
■ Maintain your CLIÉ handheld
Add-on Application Guide
The Add-on Application Guide describes how to install and use the
supplied add-on applications, including:
■ PictureGear Pocket and PictureGear 4.6Lite
■ PhotoStand
■ CLIÉ Paint
■ gMovie and PictureGear 4.6Lite
■ World Alarm Clock
■ Memory Stick Autorun (MS Autorun)
Memory Stick Import (MS Import) and Memory Stick Export (MS Export)
Differences between the PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, and PEG-SJ3
This manual describes the operation of three CLIÉ handheld models:
PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, and PEG-SJ30.
Following is the major differences in these models:
• Two AAA (LR03) batteries
• Monochrome LCD
• Built-in rechargeable battery
• Monochrome LCD
• Built-in rechargeable battery
• Color LCD
Illustrations used in this manual
All illustrations of the unit and screen images are of the PEG-SJ30,
unless specified otherwise. Differences between the three models are
described at relevant points throughout the manual.
No t e
Some models described in this manual are unavailable in some areas.
Which manual to read?
After you set up your CLIÉ handheld and become familiar with its
basic functions, you can refer to the rest of the manuals as follows:
When you want to:
Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s
Ch a p t e r 2
Manage your personal
information using your
CLIÉ applications.
Using basic applications
Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s
Ch a p t e r 3
Synchronize data between
your CLIÉ handheld and
your computer.
Exchanging and updating data
using a HotSync operation
Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s
Ch a p t e r 4
Exchange and share
information with other
handheld users.
Communicating using your
Sony CLIÉ Handheld
Ad d -o n Ap p lica t io n Gu id e
Ch a p t e r 1
View images on your CLIÉ
Viewing image files
(PictureGear Pocket)
Ad d -o n Ap p lica t io n Gu id e
Ch a p t e r 2
Use your CLIÉ handheld as
a picture frame.
Displaying image files one after
another (PhotoStand)
Ad d -o n Ap p lica t io n Gu id e
Ch a p t e r 3
Draw on image files on
your CLIÉ handheld.
Drawing on image files (CLIÉ Paint)
Ad d -o n Ap p lica t io n Gu id e
Ch a p t e r 4
Watch movies on your
CLIÉ handheld.
Playing a movie (gMovie player)
Ad d -o n Ap p lica t io n Gu id e
Ch a p t e r 5
View the World Alarm
Clock on your CLIÉ
Viewing the World Alarm Clock
(World Alarm Clock)
Ad d -o n Ap p lica t io n Gu id e
Ch a p t e r 6
Set your favorite
application to start
automatically whenever
you insert a Memory Stick
Setting the Memory Stick automatic
start function
(Memory Stick Autorun)
Ad d -o n Ap p lica t io n Gu id e
Ch a p t e r 7
Transfer data between your
CLIÉ handheld and your
computer using a Memory
Stick media.
Copying the data to the Memory
Stick media on your CLIÉ handheld
(Memory Stick Import/Export)
Ch a p t e r 1
What is the Sony CLIÉ Handheld?
This chapter describes the features of your CLIÉ handheld, its
system requirements, its buttons and controls, and the
contents of the Installation CD-ROM.
What can you do with your Sony CLIÉ Handheld?..................... 12
System requirements ................................................................. 13
Sony CLIÉ Handheld components .............................................. 14
Locating front panel controls ............................................... 14
Locating back panel components ......................................... 16
Elements of the CLIÉ interface ............................................. 19
What is on the CLIÉ Installation CD-ROM? ............................... 21
CD-ROM contents ............................................................... 21
How to read the PDF manuals on the CD-ROM .................... 22
What can you do with your Sony CLIÉ Handheld?
Once you familiarize yourself with the basic workings of your CLIÉ
handheld, you’ll easily be able to:
■ Enter your schedule into the Date Book and view them by the day,
week, or month, and even set an alarm to remind you of an
important event.
■ Keep all your contact names, addresses, phone numbers, and other
details in the Address Book. In addition, you can paste an image to
an address record using the supplied PictureGear Pocket
■ Add your tasks to the To Do List, prioritize them, and assign them
a due date.
■ Synchronize your data with the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software
on your computer so you always have a backup copy of your
important information.
■ Customize your CLIÉ handheld and set different levels of security
to prevent unauthorized users from viewing your data.
■ Exchange data with your computer, other Sony CLIÉ handhelds,
digital cameras, and other portable devices with Sony’s Memory
Stick media.
Beyond the basic features, your CLIÉ handheld offers many
entertaining and unique conveniences. For example, you can:
■ Create a slideshow of images, including transition effects, using the
PhotoStand feature of the PictureGear Pocket application.
■ Make original drawings or edit image files with the CLIÉ Paint
■ Watch a movie with the gMovie application.
■ Keep track of time around the world with the World Alarm Clock
application, which also works as an alarm clock.
■ Use other add-on applications for the Palm OS .
■ Enjoy Web Clipping*.
* Web Clipping is a system provided by Palm, Inc. and its subsidiaries for
Palm OS handhelds, which enables easy access to information provided on
the Web. If you install various Web Clipping applications on your CLIÉ
handheld, you can retrieve specific information such as news, weather, or
restaurant guides and display them on your CLIÉ handheld. Web clipping
applications require Internet connections. For details on its use, or for
answers to your questions, refer to the following Web site:
System requirements
To install and operate the Palm Desktop software on your computer,
your computer system must meet the following requirements:
■ OS:
–Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
–Windows Millennium Edition
–Windows 2000 Professional
–Windows XP Home Edition
–Windows XP Professional
■ CPU: Pentium 133 MHz or faster
(Pentium III 450 MHz or faster is recommended with Windows
■ Memory: 64MB RAM minimum
(128MB or more is recommended with Windows XP)
■ Hard disk drive: 128MB or more available space
■ Display: High Color or better (800 × 600 dots or more)
■ CD-ROM drive
■ Mouse or similar pointing device
■ One available USB connector
No t e s
• To install the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software on Windows 2000 Professional
or Windows XP , log on as “Administrator” or using an account that has
Administrator privileges.
• Macintosh computers are not compatible with the Sony CLIÉ Handheld.
Sony CLIÉ Handheld components
Locating front panel controls
1 Jog Dial Navigator
Used to select and run applications or items. Depending on the
application you use, specific functions are assigned to the navigator.
For details, see “Using the Jog Dial navigator” in the Operating
Instructions manual.
2 BACK Button
Releases the selection of an item or cancels the operation.
Depending on the application you use, returning to the previous
screen or other specific functions are assigned to this button.
3 Scroll Button
Displays text and other information that extends beyond the area of
the screen. Pushing the scroll button downwards scrolls down to
display information below the current viewing area, and pushing
up the button scrolls up to display the information above the
current viewing area. Depending on the application you use,
specific functions are assigned to the scroll button.
4 Application Buttons
Activates the individual applications that correspond to the icons on
the buttons:
Date Book,
Address Book,
To Do List, and
Memo Pad. See “Assigning applications to buttons” in the
Operating Instructions manual for details on reassigning these
buttons to activate any application on your CLIÉ handheld.
5 Screen
Displays the applications and information stored in your CLIÉ
handheld. It is touch-sensitive and responds to the stylus. For
details, see “Elements of the CLIÉ interface” on page 19.
6 Graffiti Writing Area
The area where you write letters and numbers using the Graffiti
alphabet. See “Using Graffiti writing to enter data” in the
Operating Instructions manual to learn how to write Graffiti
7 USB jack (mini-B) (PEG-SL10 only)
Used to connect your CLIÉ handheld to the USB cable.
8 LED Indicator (PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30 only)
Lights while the battery is being charged.
Flashes to alert you that a scheduled alarm time (set in an
application such as Date Book) has been reached.
Sony CLIÉ Handheld components
Locating back panel components
1 Stylus
Used to tap icons and buttons on the screen, or to write characters
on the Graffiti writing area.
For details, see “Using the stylus” in the Operating Instructions
2 POWER Button
Used to turn your CLIÉ handheld on or off. Also, press the POWER
button and hold it down for two seconds or longer to turn the
backlight of the LCD display on or off.
If your CLIÉ handheld is turned off, pressing any application button
activates your CLIÉ handheld and opens the corresponding application.
3 Memory Stick Slot
Insert Memory Stick media into this slot.
4 Memory Stick Access Indicator
Lights in orange while your CLIÉ handheld is reading/writing the
data in Memory Stick media.
5 Infrared Communication Port (IR port)
Uses infrared technology to transmit data to and receive data from
other CLIÉ or Palm OS® handhelds, and to perform HotSync®
For details, see “Beaming between your Sony CLIÉ Handheld and
another Palm OS® PDA” in the Operating Instructions manual.
6 Hook for Strap
Used to hook up a mobile phone strap (not supplied).
7 Reset Button
Under normal use, you should not have to use this button.
For details, see “Resetting your Sony CLIÉ Handheld” in the
Operating Instructions manual.
8 Interface Connector
Used to connect your CLIÉ handheld to an accessory for the
CLIÉ handheld (not supplied).
Used to connect your CLIÉ handheld to the AC adapter , USB
cable or an accessory for the CLIÉ handheld (not supplied).
The supplied plug adapter is needed to connect the AC adapter and
the USB cable.
9 Battery compartment lid (PEG-SL10 only)
Continued on next page
Sony CLIÉ Handheld components
Removing the supplied protective soft cover from your CLIÉ
Slide A down (1), then remove the cover (2).
Reattaching the protective soft cover
Pull A outward (1) and place the tabs into the holes of the CLIÉ
handheld (2). Then slide A up until it locks into place (3).
Elements of the CLIÉ interface
1 Battery Icon
Displays the remaining charge in the battery. Tap the icon to show
the battery's remaining charge by percentage and the amount of
available memory.
When your CLIÉ handheld is operating on the AC power
source, the battery icon (
batteries are not charged.
) is displayed. However, the
When your CLIÉ handheld is operating on the AC power
source, the battery charging icon ( ) is displayed.
2 Home Icon
Tap this icon and the Application Launcher screen appears,
displaying a list of applications.
3 Menu Icon
Tap this icon and a menu of current applications appears.
Continued on next page
Sony CLIÉ Handheld components
4 Contrast/Brightness Adjustment Icon
Tap this icon to adjust the contrast (PEG-SL10 and PEG-SJ20) or the
brightness (PEG-SJ30) of the LCD screen of your CLIÉ handheld.
No t e
If the digitizer preferences are not set correctly, you cannot adjust the
contrast/brightness level properly. For details, see “Adjusting the screen” in
the Operating Instructions manual.
5 Application Icon
Tap an icon to activate the corresponding application.
6 Scroll Bar
Drag the slider up or down or tap the scroll arrows v or V on the
ends of the bar to scroll the screen.
7 Calculator Icon
Tap this icon to display the onscreen Calculator.
8 Find Icon
Tap this icon to open the Find screen.
9 Graffiti Writing Area
This area is for hand-writing input with the Graffiti alphabet.
When the tip
icon is
displayed, you can tap the icon
to display online operational
tips on the screen.
Note on display resolutions
Your CLIÉ handheld uses original technology to provide a 320 × 320
dot high resolution display. When you start an application supporting
the high resolution, the screen switches automatically to the high
resolution mode. When you start an application that does not support
high resolution, the screen returns to the standard 160 × 160 dot
resolution mode.
No t e
In some third-party applications, the screen may not be displayed properly.
What is on the CLIÉ Installation CD-ROM?
CD-ROM contents
The Installation CD-ROM that comes with your CLIÉ handheld
contains the following applications and manuals:
■ PC applications
You can install the following PC applications and related online
help files from the installer’s main launcher window:
– Palm Desktop for CLIÉ 4.0.1
(including Intellisync Lite 4.0)
– PictureGear 4.6Lite
– QuickTime
– Memory Stick Export
The following PC application has a separate installer package:
– Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0
– Third-party applications
■ Palm OS applications
The following sample data and demonstration files are also
– Sample data for gMovie and PictureGear Pocket
■ Manuals
The following manuals are available as PDF files on the CD-ROM:
– Read This First (this guide)
– Operating Instructions
– Add-on Application Guide
You can view the manuals by clicking Manuals in the installation launcher
window that appears when you insert the CLIÉ Installation CD-ROM into your
What is on the CLIÉ Installation CD-ROM?
How to read the PDF manuals on the CD-ROM
To view the PDF manuals contained on the Installation CD-ROM, you
need the Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer. To
install the Acrobat Reader software, see “Installing Acrobat Reader
5.0” on page 54.
To open a PDF manual, do either of the following:
• Double-click a PDF file on the CD-ROM.
The Acrobat Reader software starts and the selected PDF manual is
displayed. You can read and print the file.
• Start the Acrobat Reader software and select Open from the File
menu. In the Open dialog box, select a PDF file and click Open.
The selected PDF manual is displayed. You can read and print the
Ch a p t e r 2
Setting up your Sony CLIÉ Handheld – Basics
This chapter describes basic hardware setup procedures that
you should perform, before you start using your CLIÉ
handheld in combination with your computer. These
procedures include: Supplying power to your CLIÉ handheld,
synchronizing data with your computer, and entering data.
Step 1: Supplying power to your Sony CLIÉ Handheld ............... 24
Installing the batteries (PEG-SL10) ...................................... 24
Charging your Sony CLIÉ Handheld (PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30).... 26
Step 2: Turning on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld for the first time .. 28
Step 3: Entering data into your Sony CLIÉ Handheld ................. 32
Step 4: Installing the Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ software
on your computer .......................................................... 34
Step 5: Connecting your Sony CLIÉ Handheld and
your computer via the USB cable .................................. 38
Connecting the USB cable (PEG-SL10) ................................ 38
Connecting the USB cable using the plug adapter
(PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30) ......................................................... 39
Step 6: Performing a HotSync operation for the first time ...... 40
Step 1: Supplying power to your Sony CLIÉ
Installing the batteries (PEG-SL10)
Slide open the battery compartment lid and insert two size AAA
(LR03) alkaline batteries. Be sure to line up the + and – on the batteries
with the + and – in the battery compartment.
No t e
The battery compartment lid can be easily detached to prevent
damage. If the battery compartment lid comes off, attach it as shown.
battery compartment lid
When replacing the batteries
• Be sure to turn your CLIÉ handheld off before removing/inserting
• Be sure to replace both batteries with new ones.
Notes on batteries
• To avoid possible damage from battery leakage or corrosion,
observe the following:
- Be sure to insert the batteries with the +/– polarities matched
to the +/– marks.
- Do not charge the dry batteries.
- Do not use a combination of new and old batteries.
- Do not use batteries other than the types specified.
- Do not use a combination of different types of batteries.
- Do not use leaking batteries.
• Batteries left in your CLIÉ handheld for an extended period of time
will run down, even if your CLIÉ handheld is not used.
• Do not use manganese batteries in your CLIÉ handheld.
• When you are not going to use your CLIÉ handheld for a long time,
remove the batteries to prevent damage from battery leakage and
Charging the internal power source
To avoid losing data stored on your CLIÉ handheld, do not remove
new batteries during the first 1 hour after inserting them.
Your CLIÉ handheld has a small internal power source to maintain
your data while you switch batteries. This internal power source is
charged from the batteries when you first insert batteries into your
CLIÉ handheld or when you insert new batteries after a long period of
not using your CLIÉ handheld. Charging the internal power source
takes about 1 hour. If you remove the batteries before the internal
power source is charged, your CLIÉ handheld's memory will revert to
the factory settings and any data you have entered will be lost.
Step 1: Supplying power to your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
Charging your Sony CLIÉ Handheld (PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30)
No t e
Before you use your CLIÉ handheld for the first time, make sure to charge it.
You can charge your CLIÉ handheld by connecting the supplied AC
adapter using the USB jack (mini-B) to your CLIÉ handheld.
Connect the AC adapter to the DC IN connector of the
plug adapter (1) then connect the plug adapter to the
interface connector of your CLIÉ handheld (2).
Plug adapter
AC adapter
Connect the AC cord to the AC adapter (1) then
connect it to the wall outlet (2).
2 Connect to the wall outlet
The LED indicator of your CLIÉ handheld turns on, and charging
starts. The battery icon in the screen changes to the battery charging
icon (
It takes about four hours for your CLIÉ handheld to be fully
charged for the first time. If your CLIÉ handheld is charged
frequently, subsequent charges will require less time.
When charging is completed
The LED indicator of your CLIÉ handheld turns off. When you
disconnect the AC adapter from your CLIÉ handheld, the battery
charging icon changes to the battery icon (
No t e
To disconnect the plug adapter from your CLIÉ handheld
Pinch both sides of
the connector (1)
and pull out (2).
To cap the connecting part of the plug adapter and the AC cord
with the plug adapter attachment
Plug adapter
Plug adapter
AC adapter
Step 2: Turning on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
for the first time
The first time you start your CLIÉ handheld, setup instructions appear
onscreen. Follow the onscreen instructions to perform initial settings,
digitizer calibration, current time, date, and year settings (required for
Press the POWER button.
Your CLIÉ handheld turns on, and the Welcome screen appears.
After a while, the Setup screen appears.
Press the POWER button.
Take out the Stylus.
You can use the stylus to tap or drag on the screen to open
applications, choose options or menu commands, and select text or
move objects just as you do with a mouse on your computer.
No t e
Always use the point of the stylus for tapping or making strokes on the
handheld screen. Never use a real pen, pencil, or other sharp object to write
on the screen.
Press lightly on the screen with the stylus.
This action is called “tapping.”
The digitizer calibration screen appears. Calibration aligns the
internal circuitry of the handheld with its touch-sensitive screen so
your CLIÉ handheld can detect the task you want to perform when
you tap an element on the screen.
No t e
Do not press the screen too hard, or it may be damaged.
Tap anywhere on the screen.
The following screen is displayed.
Following the onscreen instruction, tap the center of the
displayed mark.
No t e
If the digitizer is not configured correctly, the scroll bar may not operate
properly, “tapping” may not work as expected, or other problems may
occur. If this happens, please re-configure the digitizer manually. You can
also re-configure the digitizer in the Digitizer Preferences screen. For details,
see “What you can do with Preferences” in the Operating Instructions
Continued on next page
Step 2: Turning on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld for the first time
After calibration completes, a screen for setting time and date
Tap the Set Date box.
The Set Date screen appears.
Tap the arrow b or B next to the year to select the
current year.
Tap the current month, then tap the current date.
The Set Date screen closes.
Tap the Set Time box.
The Set Time screen appears.
Tap the arrow v or V to set the hour to the current time.
Tap each number of the minute, and then tap the arrow
v or V to set the minutes to the current time.
Tap AM or PM.
Tap OK.
The Set Time screen closes.
Tap Next.
The Setup Complete screen appears.
Tap Next.
The Enter Data screen appears.
Tap Done.
The initial settings are complete, and the Application Launcher
screen (Home screen) appears.
Your CLIÉ handheld is now ready for use!
Step 3: Entering data into your Sony CLIÉ
There are three ways to enter data into your CLIÉ handheld:
– Using Graffiti writing
– Using the onscreen keyboard
– Using your computer keyboard
Graffiti writing
Your CLIÉ handheld includes Graffiti writing application as the
primary system for entering text and numbers. With Graffiti writing,
you write simple strokes with the stylus and they are instantly
recognized as letters or numbers.
The Graffiti strokes closely resemble the upper case letters of the
regular alphabet, which makes Graffiti writing easy to learn.
Graffiti writing examples:
A, B, C, D, and E
The Graffiti writing area is divided into two parts: one for writing the
letters of the alphabet and one for writing numbers. The small marks at
the top and bottom of the Graffiti writing area indicate the two areas.
Write letters
Write numbers here
Division marks
For details, see “Using Graffiti writing to enter data” in the Operating
Instructions manual.
Onscreen keyboard
When you use an application such as Date Book or Address Book, you
can open the onscreen alphabetic and numeric keyboards to enter data.
Tap here for
alphabetic keyboard
Tap here for numeric
After a keyboard is open, you can tap to open any of the other
keyboards, including the international keyboard. For details, see
“Using the onscreen keyboard” in the Operating Instructions manual.
Caps lock
Carriage return
Caps shift
Tap here to display alphabetic keyboard
Tap here to display numeric
Tap here to display international
Computer keyboard
If you have a lot of data to enter, or prefer to use the computer
keyboard, you can use the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software or any
supported PIM (Personal Information Management) applications to
enter information. You can then perform a HotSync operation to
synchronize the information on your computer with the information
on your CLIÉ handheld. All the main applications on your CLIÉ
handheld are also available in the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software and
in most PIM applications, so you don’t need to learn different
Refer to the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ online Help for more information
on entering data using your computer.
Step 4: Installing the Palm Desktop for
CLIÉ software on your computer
The Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software extends many of the functions
of your CLIÉ handheld to your computer, featuring the same main
applications as those on your CLIÉ handheld: Address Book, Date
Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, and desktop e-mail connectivity. You can
use the HotSync Manager feature of this software to back up and
exchange data between your CLIÉ handheld and your computer.
No t e s
• Do not connect the USB cable to a USB connector of your computer before
installing the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software. The installation of the software
might not be performed correctly.
• If you are already using a Sony CLIÉ Handheld or other Palm OS PDA
device, and Palm Desktop software is installed on your computer: uninstall it
and reinstall the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software using the supplied
Installation CD-ROM. For details, see “Upgrading the existing Palm Desktop
software” on page 37.
• The Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software supplied to this CLIÉ handheld
(PEG-SL10/PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30) does not support Expense.
• Do not simply copy the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software files to your
computer’s hard disk. You must use the installer and follow the procedures
described in this section to place the files in their proper locations and to
decompress the files.
• To introduce the CLIÉ data of your old CLIÉ handheld into the new one, see
“Using data of another Sony CLIÉ Handheld” in the Operating Instructions
Exit all applications running on Windows .
You should quit all applications that automatically run at startup,
such as fax communication software, anti-virus tools, screensavers,
and the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar.
Insert the Installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of
your computer.
The installation launcher window appears.
Select your CLIÉ handheld model (PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, or
Click Install Palm Desktop for CLIÉ.
The setup program starts and the Welcome screen is displayed.
Click Next.
The Palm Desktop for CLIÉ 4.0.1 software installation begins.
Follow the onscreen instructions, then the following dialog box
Select the software you will use to synchronize your CLIÉ
handheld with your computer.
If you select “Synchronize with Palm Desktop for CLIÉ,” Intellisync
Lite will not be installed. If you select “Synchronize with Microsoft
Outlook or Lotus Organizer,” Palm Desktop and Intellisync Lite
will be installed.
Continued on next page
Step 4: Installing the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software
on your computer
Click Next.
The Setup Type window is displayed.
Select the setup type (Typical or Custom) and the
destination folder.
If you wish to synchronize PEG-S300 or PEG-N710C with your
CLIÉ handheld (PEG-SL10/PEG-SJ20/PEG-SJ30), follow the steps
1 Select Custom for the setup type and click Next.
2 Follow the onscreen instructions until setup is complete.
When you follow the onscreen instructions, the Create User
Account screen is displayed.
Fill in the user name in the Create User Account screen.
Click Next.
The Install Tool dialog box closes, then the Mail Setup dialog box
Set up Mail.
Follow the onscreen instructions until Mail setup is complete.
Fill in the customer registration following the
instructions shown onscreen.
You need Internet access for the online customer registration.
You can take advantage of Sony’s commitment to quality customer
support and 9 months of the extended limited warranty for a total
of 12 months from the original date of purchase when you register
your CLIÉ handheld.
Click Finish.
No t e
Make sure you perform a HotSync operation before installing any third-
party applications. (See pages 53 - 54)
Upgrading the existing Palm Desktop software
Multiple versions of Palm Desktop software cannot be installed on one
computer. If an older version of Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software
already exists, it is recommended that you uninstall it prior to the new
installation. All handheld user data is preserved when upgrading the
Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software.
About Intellisync Lite
The Intellisync Lite software allows you to synchronize your Date
Book, Address Book, To Do List, and Memo Pad data in your CLIÉ
handheld with the data of a variety of popular Windows applications
– Microsoft Outlook 97/98/2000/2002
– Lotus Organizer 5.0/6.0
During a HotSync operation, the Intellisync Lite software compares
each record of information in your CLIÉ handheld to the information
stored in the PIM (Personal Information Management) applications,
and then makes necessary changes to both systems to make sure that
they both contain the same data.
Step 5: Connecting your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
and your computer via the USB cable
The USB cable that comes with your CLIÉ handheld enables you to
synchronize the information on your CLIÉ handheld with the Palm
Desktop for CLIÉ software on your computer using HotSync
No t e
The supplied USB cable has two connectors, “A” Plug to be connected to the
computer’s USB port and mini-B to be connected to the USB jack (mini-B).
“A” Plug
Connecting the USB cable (PEG-SL10)
Connect the USB cable’s connector (mini-B) to your CLIÉ
handheld’s USB jack (mini-B). Then, connect the USB
cable’s connector (“A” Plug) to your computer’s USB
USB connector
(“A” Plug)
USB connector
Connecting the USB cable using the plug adapter
Connect the USB cable’s connector (mini-B) to the USB
jack (mini-B) of the plug adapter (1) then connect the
plug adapter to the interface connector of your CLIÉ
handheld (2).
Plug adapter
USB connector
Connect the USB cable’s connector (“A” Plug) to your
computer’s USB port.
USB connector
(“A” Plug)
Step 6: Performing a HotSync operation
for the first time
What is a HotSync operation?
HotSync, which is a technology particular to a Palm OS platform
device, is the one-step operation that allows you to synchronize data
between your CLIÉ handheld and your computer, and back up the
CLIÉ data on your computer. For details, see “Exchanging and
updating data using a HotSync operation” in the Operating
Instructions manual.
When performing a HotSync operation for the first time, you have to
enter your user information both into your CLIÉ handheld and into the
Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software. After the user name is recognized,
you do not have to enter the same information again.
On your CLIÉ handheld, rotate the Jog Dial™ navigator
to select HotSync and then press the Jog Dial navigator.
Or tap the HotSync
screen (page 44).
icon on the Application Launcher
The HotSync screen appears on your CLIÉ handheld.
On your computer screen, the USB Driver Installation Wizard starts
On the HotSync screen of your CLIÉ handheld, tap the
A beep sounds and the HotSync operation starts.
When the New User dialog box is displayed on your
computer screen, select the user name.
Select the same user name you entered in step 9 on page 36.
No t e
Every handheld should have a unique name. To prevent loss of a user’s
records, never try to synchronize more than one handheld to the same user
Click OK on your computer screen.
A beep sounds and the HotSync operation starts. When the HotSync
process is complete, a message showing the HotSync operation
completion is displayed on your CLIÉ handheld.
No t e s
• Do not remove or move your CLIÉ handheld from the USB cable during a
HotSync operation.
• Do not tap the HotSync
button during a HotSync operation. It might
cause errors and quitting of the operation.
• Do not enter power saving mode during a HotSync operation. If your
computer enters power saving mode during a HotSync operation, the
HotSync Manager will quit.
If the HotSync operation does not start
• Make sure that the HotSync
tray on your computer screen.
icon is displayed in the Windows task
• If the HotSync
icon is not shown in the task tray, click Start, point to
Programs (All Programs in Windows XP), Sony Handheld, and then
click HotSync Manager. Then click the HotSync button on your CLIÉ
handheld to start the HotSync operation.
Continued on next page
Step 6: Performing a HotSync® operation for the first time
To open the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software, double-
click the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ icon on the Windows
desktop or click Start, point to Programs (All Programs in
Windows XP), Sony Handheld, and click Palm Desktop
for CLIÉ.
The Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software starts. All the main
applications on your CLIÉ handheld are also available in the Palm
Desktop for CLIÉ software. You can synchronize the information on
your computer with the information on your CLIÉ handheld.
When using the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system
Note the following when using the supplied Palm Desktop for CLIÉ
software Version 4.0.1 with the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating
When you select Custom, File Link, View Log, or Setup from the HotSync
menu, the configuration window may open behind the Palm Desktop for
CLIÉ software window.
In this case, bring the configuration window to the front by one of the
following methods:
Press the Alt and Tab keys together.
Click the HotSync icon on the Windows task tray.
Ch a p t e r 3
Setting up your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
– Advanced
This chapter describes advanced software setup procedures
for your CLIÉ handheld and your computer. These procedures
include: checking the bundled applications on your CLIÉ
handheld, installing applications from the Installation
CD-ROM on your computer, and installing add-on
applications on your CLIÉ handheld.
Checking the bundled applications on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld ... 44
Overview of basic Palm OS applications ............................ 45
Overview of Sony applications ............................................. 48
Installing the supplied applications on your computer .............. 52
Installing PictureGear™ 4.6Lite ........................................... 52
Installing QuickTime 5 ...................................................... 52
Installing Memory Stick Export ............................................. 53
Installing other third-party applications on the supplied
CD-ROM ............................................................................. 54
Installing Acrobat Reader 5.0 ............................................ 54
Uninstalling the supplied applications .................................. 55
Installing add-on applications on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld or
Memory Stick media ........................................................ 56
Installing add-on applications from the Palm™ Desktop for
CLIÉ software ...................................................................... 57
Installing add-on applications by beaming them from another
Palm OS device ................................................................. 60
Removing add-on applications............................................. 62
Customer registration ............................................................... 63
Checking the bundled applications
on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
After you make your CLIÉ handheld ready for use, start the
Application Launcher to display all the available applications on your
CLIÉ handheld.
To open an application from the Application Launcher screen
Tap the Home
The Application Launcher screen appears.
Tap the Home icon
Do either of the following:
• Tap the desired application icon in the Application Launcher
If you have many applications installed on your CLIÉ handheld,
tap the scroll bar to see all the available applications.
• For the four main applications, you can press the application
button on the front panel to display the selected application
To Do List
Memo Pad
Address Book
Date Book
To quit the application and open another application
Tap the Home icon (or press the BACK button repeatedly), and
then perform step 2 to open the desired application. The next time you
open the application, the last screen resumes.
Overview of basic Palm OS applications
Your CLIÉ handheld comes with the following Palm OS basic
applications: Date Book, Address Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, and
Calculator applications. This section gives an overview of these basic
Date Book
Date Book lets you quickly and easily schedule
appointments or any kind of activity associated with a time
and date.
In Date Book, you can do the following:
• Enter a description of your appointment and assign it to a specific
time and date.
• Display a chart of your appointments for an entire week. The Week
view makes it easy to spot available times and any potential
scheduling overlaps or conflicts.
• Display a monthly calendar to quickly spot days where you have
morning, lunch, or afternoon appointments.
• Set an alarm to sound prior to the scheduled activity.
• Create reminders for events that are based on a particular date,
rather than time of day. Birthdays and anniversaries are easy to track
with your CLIÉ handheld.
• Attach notes to individual events for a description or clarification of
the entry in your Date Book.
Address Book
Address Book enables you to keep names, addresses, phone
numbers, and other information about your personal or
business contacts.
In Address Book, you can do the following:
• Quickly look up or enter names, addresses, phone numbers, and
other information.
• Enter up to five phone numbers (home, work, fax, etc.) or e-mail
addresses for each name.
Continued on next page
Checking the bundled applications on your
Sony CLIÉ Handheld
• Define which phone number appears in the Address List for each
Address Book entry.
• Attach a note to each Address Book entry, in which you can enter
additional information about the entry.
• Assign Address Book entries to categories so that you can organize
and view them in logical groups.
• Paste a PictureGear Pocket image to an address entry.
To Do List
To Do List is a convenient place to create reminders and
prioritize the things that you have to do.
In To Do List, you can do the following:
• Make a quick and convenient list of things to do.
• Assign a priority level to each task.
• Assign a due date for any or all of your To Do List items.
• Assign To Do List items to categories so that you can organize and
view them in logical groups.
• Sort your To Do List items either by due date, priority level, or
• Attach notes to individual To Do List items for a description or
clarification of the task.
Memo Pad
Memo Pad provides a place to take notes that are not
associated with records in Date Book, Address Book, or To
Do List.
In Memo Pad, you can do the following:
• Take notes or write any kind of message on your CLIÉ handheld.
• Drag and drop memos into popular computer applications like the
Microsoft Word software when you synchronize using the Palm
Desktop for CLIÉ software and HotSync technology.
• Assign memos to categories so that you can organize and view them
in logical groups.
• Write down phone numbers and other types of information. Later,
you can copy and paste this information to other applications.
Calc (Calculator)
Calculator enables you to perform addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and calculate square roots.
In Calculator, you can do the following:
• Perform basic calculations.
• Store and retrieve values.
• Display the last series of calculations, which is useful for confirming
a series of “chain” calculations.
Checking the bundled applications on your
Sony CLIÉ Handheld
Overview of Sony applications
In addition to the basic Palm OS applications, your CLIÉ handheld also
offers original Sony applications. This section describes them.
No t e
The applications provided with this CLIÉ handheld (PEG-SL10/PEG-SJ20/PEG-
SJ30) are not guaranteed to work on other devices.
PictureGear Pocket
The PictureGear Pocket application is an image
management software for your CLIÉ handheld.
In the PictureGear Pocket application, you can do the
• View images.
• Beam your favorite image files to another CLIÉ handheld.
• Paste an image to your Address Book entry.
• Save DCF images in PGP format on your CLIÉ handheld, or convert
PGP format images to DCF format and save them on an inserted
Memory Stick media.
• Select full-screen images to be displayed from the original image or
its thumbnail image.
The PhotoStand application allows you to display
PictureGear Pocket images one by one like a slide show.
Your CLIÉ handheld functions as a digital picture frame,
displaying your chosen images.
In the PhotoStand application, you can do the following:
• Perform a slide show of the PictureGear Pocket images.
• Display the time with the picture so that you can use it as a clock.
• Choose effect patterns or the time display mode.
CLIÉ Paint
The CLIÉ Paint application is used to draw shapes, letters,
or patterns on PGP format images. You can also draw from
scratch on a white background.
In the CLIÉ Paint application, you can do the following:
• Draw on a PGP format image (or a white background) using various
drawing tools.
• Save edited images on your CLIÉ handheld in PGP format.
The gMovie application is used to play a movie clip created
using the PictureGear 4.6Lite software.
In the gMovie application, you can do the following:
• Play a movie file copied from your computer to your CLIÉ
• Play a movie file directly from Memory Stick media.
• Beam a movie file to another CLIÉ handheld.
Memory Stick Gate
The Memory Stick Gate (MS Gate) application is used to
exchange data between your CLIÉ handheld and Memory
Stick media.
In the Memory Stick Gate application, you can do the
• Copy or move data between your CLIÉ handheld and Memory Stick
• Delete data in Memory Stick media and in your CLIÉ handheld.
• Format Memory Stick media.
Continued on next page
Checking the bundled applications on your
Sony CLIÉ Handheld
Memory Stick Autorun
The Memory Stick Autorun (MS Autorun) application is
used to start a specified application when Memory Stick
media is inserted into your CLIÉ handheld.
In the Memory Stick Autorun application, you can do the
• Automatically start game software or other applications stored in
Memory Stick media.
• Display specified data immediately by automatically starting the
associated application stored in Memory Stick media or your CLIÉ
Memory Stick Import
The Memory Stick Import (MS Import) application is used
in combination with the Memory Stick Export (MS Export)
software to transfer computer data between your computer
and CLIÉ handheld by using a Memory Stick media rather
than by performing a HotSync operation.
In Memory Stick Import/Export, you can do the following:
• Install CLIÉ applications directly onto Memory Stick media inserted
in your CLIÉ handheld without performing a HotSync operation.
• View and handle the contents of the Memory Stick media inserted in
your CLIÉ handheld as a removable device.
• Copy files between your computer’s hard disk and the Memory Stick
media with the Windows Explorer.
• Choose folders other than the default folder to store CLIÉ handheld
Memory Stick Backup
The Memory Stick Backup (MS Backup) application is used
to back up your CLIÉ data on a Memory Stick media, unlike
the HotSync operation that backs up data to your computer.
In the Memory Stick Backup application, you can do the
• Backup CLIÉ data onto Memory Stick media inserted in your CLIÉ
• Restore the backed up data from Memory Stick media on the CLIÉ
handheld once again.
World Alarm Clock
The World Alarm Clock application is software to use your
CLIÉ handheld as a world clock.
In the World Alarm Clock application, you can do the
• View the date and time of multiple regions on a single screen.
Daylight Saving Time settings are also available.
• Use your CLIÉ handheld as an alarm clock to alert you at a
particular day and time.
Installing the supplied applications
on your computer
From the installation launcher window of the supplied CLIÉ
Installation CD-ROM, you can install the following software on your
computer’s hard disk.
Installing PictureGear 4.6Lite
The PictureGear 4.6Lite software allows you to transfer image or
movie files between your computer and your CLIÉ handheld. You can
use the PictureGear Pocket or the gMovie application to view the
transferred movie or image files on your CLIÉ handheld.
Insert the Installation CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
The installation launcher window is displayed.
Select your CLIÉ handheld model (PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, or
Click Install CLIÉ Utilities.
The CLIÉ utilities window is displayed.
Click Install CLIÉ Image Software.
Click Install PictureGear 4.6Lite.
The PictureGear 4.6Lite software installation starts.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
For details, see chapter 2 and chapter 5 in the Add-on Application
Installing QuickTime 5
The QuickTime 5 software allows you to view QuickTime movies and
is required for PictureGear Lite software to convert QuickTime movies
for use on your CLIÉ handheld.
Insert the Installation CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
The installation launcher window is displayed.
Select your CLIÉ handheld model (PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, or
Click Install CLIÉ Utilities.
The CLIÉ utilities window is displayed.
Click Install CLIÉ Image Software.
Click Install QuickTime.
The QuickTime 5 software installation starts.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
Installing Memory Stick Export
To use the Memory Stick Import/Export feature, you need to install
the Memory Stick Export software onto your computer. Memory Stick
Export is a PC utility that saves Palm OS applications directly to the
proper directory on Memory Stick media inserted into your CLIÉ
Insert the Installation CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
The installation launcher window is displayed.
Select your CLIÉ handheld model (PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, or
Click Install CLIÉ Utilities.
The CLIÉ Utilities window is displayed.
Click Install Memory Stick Export.
The software installation starts.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
Installing the supplied applications on your computer
Installing other third-party applications on the
supplied CD-ROM
You can install other add-on applications on your computer and then
install them on your CLIÉ handheld at the next HotSync operation.
For details, see “Installing add-on applications from the Palm
Desktop for CLIÉ software” on page 57.
Insert the Installation CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
The installation launcher window is displayed.
Select your CLIÉ handheld model (PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, or
Click Install Third-party Software.
The Third-party Software installation window is displayed.
Click the application of your choice.
The installation starts.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
Installing Acrobat Reader 5.0
The Acrobat Reader 5.0 software allows you to view, navigate, and
print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) documents. To open
and read the PDF manuals in the CLIÉ Installation CD-ROM, you need
the Acrobat Reader software installed in your computer’s hard disk.
Insert the Installation CD-ROM into your computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
The installation launcher window is displayed.
Select your CLIÉ handheld model (PEG-SL10, PEG-SJ20, or
Click Exit to close the installation launcher window.
Click Start from the taskbar, then click Run.
The Run window is displayed.
Type or select “E:\PC\Acrobat\ar500enu.exe” in the text
box, and click Run. (If necessary, replace “E:” with the
drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.)
You can also use Browse to select the setup program.
The Acrobat Reader 5.0 software installation starts.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
Uninstalling the supplied applications
In the event that you no longer need an application you installed, you
can remove an application from your computer’s hard disk as follows:
Open Control Panel.
The Control Panel window is displayed.
Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs Properties window is displayed.
In the Install/Uninstall tab, select the software that you
want to remove.
Click Add/Remove.
The confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click OK to remove the software.
Follow the onscreen instructions to remove the application from
your computer’s hard disk.
Some applications have their own uninstaller program. To remove QuickTime,
for example, click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs (All Programs in
Windows® XP), QuickTime, and then click Uninstall QuickTime.
Installing add-on applications on your Sony
CLIÉ Handheld or Memory Stick media
Your CLIÉ handheld comes with various applications such as Date
Book, Address Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, Calculator, e-mail
application, etc.
In addition to these applications, you can install additional
applications called “add-on applications” from the Installation
CD-ROM on your CLIÉ handheld, or to the Memory Stick media (sold
separately) if you want to save your CLIÉ handheld’s memory space.
A variety of third-party applications are also available for your CLIÉ
handheld, such as games and other software that run on the Palm OS .
For information on the latest third-party applications, see the Sony
official CLIÉ Web site (http://www.sony.com/clie/).
No t e s
• Add-on applications reside in the RAM memory of your CLIÉ handheld.
Performing a hard reset deletes all the add-on applications. However, if you
perform a HotSync operation before the hard reset and make a backup copy,
you can restore add-on applications at the next HotSync operation.
• The add-on applications contained in the CLIÉ Installation CD-ROM are
copied on your computer’s hard disk when you install the Palm Desktop for
CLIÉ software. To install those applications from the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ
software on your CLIÉ handheld, follow the procedures described in the next
Installing add-on applications from the Palm
Desktop for CLIÉ software
This section describes how to install add-on applications on your CLIÉ
handheld or to the Memory Stick media using the Install Tool during a
HotSync operation.
Copy or download the application you want to install
into the Add-on folder in the Sony CLIÉ Handheld folder
on your computer (example : C:\Program Files\Sony
If you want to copy to a different folder, specify the folder in step 5.
Double-click the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software icon on
the Windows desktop or click Start, point to Programs
(All Programs in Windows XP), Sony Handheld, and click
Palm Desktop for CLIÉ.
The Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software starts.
Click Install.
The Install Tool dialog box appears.
From the User drop-down list, select a user name to use.
Continued on next page
Installing add-on applications on your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld or Memory Stick media
Click Add.
The Open File dialog box appears. The supplied add-on
applications are stored in the Add-on folder.
Select the application(s) you want to install on your CLIÉ
In the Install Tool dialog box, the list of applications you selected is
If you do not want to install an application, select it, and then click
Remove. (The application is deleted from the list but remains on
your computer’s hard disk.)
Click Done.
Click OK.
Perform a HotSync operation.
The application(s) you selected in step 6 will be installed on your
CLIÉ handheld. See page 40 (Step 6: Performing a HotSync
operation for the first time) for details on a local HotSync operation.
To access the Install Tool dialog box
Do either of the following to display the Install Tool dialog box
Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs (All Programs
in Windows XP), Sony Handheld, and then click Install
Double-click any file with a PRC, or PDB file extension.
To install applications to the Memory Stick media
You can install applications to the Memory Stick media by performing
one of the following:
Use the Memory Stick Import/Export applications to install
applications directly on an inserted Memory Stick media
(See the Add-on Applications Guide for details).
To install applications through the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ
software, click Change Destination after performing step 6
on page 58. Click the file name(s) to select the file(s), then
click the arrow (>> or <<) button to select Memory Stick as
the destination and click OK. Proceed to step 7.
No t e
When installing add-on applications to the Memory Stick media, be sure to
perform the HotSync operation with the Memory Stick media inserted in
your CLIÉ handheld.
If you installed applications to the Memory Stick media through Palm
Desktop for CLIÉ software
With some applications, your CLIÉ handheld may not be able to display data if
you installed the application in the Memory Stick media.
This is because the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software installs application data in
the /PALM/Launcher directory when Memory Stick is selected. As a result,
some application data cannot be started through normal process.
If the application you installed in the Memory Stick media fail to start, copy the
data again, this time to your CLIÉ handheld. For details, see “Copying data in
Memory Stick media to your CLIÉ handheld” in the Operating Instructions
Installing add-on applications on your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld or Memory Stick media
Installing add-on applications by beaming them
from another Palm OS device
Your CLIÉ handheld is equipped with an IR (infrared) port that you
can use to beam an application to another Palm OS PDA device that
is close by and also has an IR port. You can beam applications that are
either installed in your CLIÉ handheld or stored in the inserted
Memory Stick media. The IR port is located at the top of your CLIÉ
handheld, behind the small dark shield.
IR port
Tap the Home
The Application Launcher screen appears.
Tap the Menu
The menu is displayed.
Tap Beam.
The Beam screen appears.
Tap the arrow V next to Beam From, and select
Handheld or Card.
Tap the application you want to transfer.
No t e
Some applications are copy-protected and cannot be beamed. These are
listed with the lock
icon next to them.
Tap Beam.
When the Beam dialog box appears, point the IR port
directly at the IR port of the receiving handheld.
For best results, the handhelds should be 4 to 8 inches (approximately 10 to
20 centimeters) apart, and the path between the two handhelds must be clear
of obstacles. Beaming distance to other Palm OS PDA devices may be
Wait for the Beam dialog box to indicate that the
transfer is complete before you continue using your CLIÉ
Installing add-on applications on your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld or Memory Stick media
Removing add-on applications
If the memory of your CLIÉ handheld or Memory Stick media is full,
or you decide that an add-on application is no longer needed, you can
remove it from your CLIÉ handheld or the Memory Stick media.
No t e
You can remove only add-on applications, patches, and extensions that you have
installed. You cannot remove the standard applications provided with your CLIÉ
handheld, such as Address Book or Memo Pad.
Tap the Home
The Application Launcher screen appears.
Tap the Menu
The menu is displayed.
Tap Delete.
The Delete screen appears.
Tap the arrow V next to Delete From and select
Handheld or Card.
Tap the application you want to delete, and tap Delete.
A confirmation message for Delete Application is displayed.
Tap Yes.
The application you selected in step 5 is deleted.
To cancel deletion, tap No.
Tap Done.
The Application Launcher screen appears again.
Customer registration
If you do not fill in the customer registration after installing the Palm
Desktop for CLIÉ software, follow the instructions in this section to
complete the registration.
No t e
Your computer needs to be connected to the internet to complete the registration.
Double-click the Sony CLIÉ Registration icon on the
Windows desktop or click Start on the taskbar, point to
Programs (All Programs in Windows XP), Sony
Handheld, and then click Sony CLIÉ Registration.
The Sony CLIÉ Handheld Registration screen appears.
Click Start your registration process.
Your computer is connected to the Internet, and the user
registration Web page at the following URL is displayed:
Follow the onscreen instructions.
For the latest support information,
check our official Sony CLIÉ Web site
h t t p ://w w w .so n y.co m /clie /
For information on accessories
h t t p ://w w w .so n yst yle .co m /m icro s/
clie /a cce sso rie s/in d e x.h t m l
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